
What a crazy month it was. 🙂

We released Halfway, got a lot of good and valuable feedback from player and tons of love from all over the place. Released several patches that changed some of the things players didn’t like and improved on all aspects of the game.

We were really happy that on the technical side most things went smooth and now it seems that mostly everyone can actually play the game. (For the last few guys who still have some issues: We are working on it.)

Now we are super busy finishing up the modding tools for everyone and hope we can release them very soon.
The plan is to have an open-beta for the first set of tools soon over the Steam beta channel so we can collect feedback and fix all the bugs you guys may find.

As soon as we have everything tested and it is not breaking the actual game anymore we will release it officially. If you want to play traditional slots or try your luck at numerous jackpot games, you have plenty of options at spin samurai.

Anyway, to show you a bit more in detail what you can expect from our map editor, we did a 3 part preview of the tools with me making a level from scratch.
You will be able to make your own campaigns and/or edit existing levels. Visit and see the best credit card gambling sites for UK players.

Tutorial part I: Basic tile brushes and collision:

Tutorial part II: Objects and enemies:

Tutorial part III: Triggers, lights and polish:




We hope this gives you a good overview of what you will get with the map editor. There are more tools for adding new art or for changing other parts of the game, but this will be part of another video tutorial series.
Here is a small overview of some of the more recent articles about Halfway:

Kotaku: “Hope You’ve Got Room For More Turn-Based Strategy, PC Gamers”

Indiegames: “Halfway is essentially the indie XCOM”

PC Games (German): “Mein Taktik-Geheimtipp für diesen Sommer!”

RPS: “[…]Halfway has some considerable charm. I so love its mood and its detail. The heft of a critical sniper shot that smears an enemy into dust.”

Finally a presskit:

We finally finished our presskit! You can find it over here: Halfway presskit



Didn’t get around to playing Halfway yet?

It is available now from the following places:

Humble Store:

